Kho tháng 8/2022

Sun Aug 28 06:34:00 PM CEST 2022

Open contract!

Everybody when they received a text about an open contract on John Wick: Oh.. it's Tuesday already!

That's why everybody in this world knows who he is. He's basically always in the news. And the fact that he stays in the news for so long is what makes him legendary.

And the way he makes so many headshots, he is definitely a hacker (hehehe).

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Phim

Sat Aug 27 03:43:10 PM CEST 2022

Bad fever!

Forgot to turn down the heat, burning some food. Forgot to turn off the stove! Forgot to wash some clothes. Probably forgetting some other things I forgot. Let's hope this is just the fever.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Thu Aug 25 04:59:34 PM CEST 2022

The Simplification

(from A Canticle of Leibowitz, aka humanity is forever dumb)

Such was the folly of princes, and there followed the Flame Deluge

Within weeks --- some said days --- it was ended, after the first unleashing of the hell-fire. Cities had become puddles of glass, surrounded by vast acreages of broken stone. While nations had vanished from the earth, the lands littered with bodies, both men and cattle, and all manner of beats, together with the birds of the air and all things that flew, all things that swam in the rivers, crept in the grass, or burrowed in holes; having sickened and perished, they covered the land, and yet where the demons of the Fallout covered the countryside, the bodies for a time would not decay, except in contact with fertile earth. The great clouds of wrath engulfed the forests and the fields, withering trees and causing the crops to die. There were great deserts where once life was, and in those places of the Earth where men still lived, all were sickened by the poisoned air, so that, while some escaped death, none was left untouched; and many died even in those lands where the weapons had not struck, because of the poisoned air.

In all parts of the world men fled from one place to other places, and there was a confusion of tongues. Much wrath was kindled against the princes and the servants of the princes and against the magi who had devised the weapons. Years passed, and yet the Earth was not cleansed. So it was clearly recorded in the Memorabilia.

From the confusion of tongues, the intermingling of the remnants of many nations, from fear, he hate was born. And the hate said: Let us stone and disembowel and burn the ones who did this thing. Let us make a holocaust of those who wrought this crime, together with their hirelings and their wise men; burning, let them perish, and all their works, their names, and even their memories. Let us destroy them all, and teach our children that the world is new, they may know nothing of the deeds that went before. Let's make a great simplification, and then the world shall begin again.

So it was that, after the Deluge, the Fallout, the plagues, the madness, the confusion of tongues, the rare, there began the bloodletting of the Simplification, when remnants of mankind had torn other remnants limb from limb, killing rulers, scentists, leaders, technicians, teachers, and whatever persons the leaders of the maddened mobs said deserved death for having helped to make the Earth what it had become. Nothing had been so hateful in the sight of these mobs as the man of learning, at first because they had served the princes, but then later because they refused to join in the bloodletting and tried to oppose the mobs, calling the crowds "bloodthirsty simpletons".

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Thu Aug 25 15:22:55+0003 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Sách, Trích dẫn

Mon Aug 22 04:44:02 PM CEST 2022

Du är försäkrad i Sverige!!

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Tue Sep 06 16:53:23+0003 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Svenska

Sun Aug 21 05:05:58 PM CEST 2022

Kyokos dag

Idag vaknar Kyoko klockan åtta. Sedan äter hon rostat bröd och dricker kaffe till frukost. Sedan duschar hon. Klockan tio tar hon bussen till stan. Där träffar hon en vän från skolan. På eftermiddagen pluggar Kyoko. Sedan går hon till gymmet. Då går hon till affären och handlar. Hon köper kyckling och sallad. Sedan går hon hem och lagar mat. På kvällen pratar Kyoko i telefon med pappa i Japan och läser. Klockan tolv går hon och lägger sig. Då är hon mycket trött.

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Tue Sep 06 16:53:23+0003 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Svenska

Fri Aug 19 08:12:45 PM CEST 2022

GOAT's "first world" problem

It's no surprise that Janja Garnbret wins triple gold in Munich 2022. Bad omens for other climbers in Olympics 2024 though. But what are they thinking, competing with Janja?

The more interesting tidbit is the greatest female sport climber of all time's new problem: her trophy shelf broke because of the weight. And she now had to consider if it's "big enough".

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Fri Aug 19 06:26:14 PM CEST 2022

Theft attempt in Kista?

Had lunch at Max for 4 weeks because the other restaurant was closing in summer holiday. The day after the last meal (lucky?) policemen were around because of broken glass doors and everything.

Didn't think much about it. But remembered somehow and looked it up. Whoa...

I entered Max through that door! How dare they??

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Thu Aug 18 08:04:58 PM CEST 2022

emacs comes with mpc!

So it's true it's an operating system. It even has a music player. Just lacks a decent text editor.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Wed Aug 17 05:39:07 PM CEST 2022

Limoncello dễ òm

Lấy vodka. Cạo vỏ chanh quăng vô. Ngâm mấy ngày. Bỏ nước đường vô. Limoncello!

Kết luận. Phức tạp quá, đi mua về uống cho gọn. Đi mua dễ òm.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Wed Aug 17 05:32:53 PM CEST 2022

Bánh tráng chỉ có ở Việt Nam

Hồi nào giờ cứ nghĩ các nước Đông Nam Á cũng làm bánh tráng. Ra tiệm bán đồ châu á chỉ thấy bánh tráng "made in vietnam". Lên wiki coi tiếp mới sáng ra chỉ có VN làm bánh tráng (loại ăn được). Springrolls của Trung Quốc dùng cái gì đó khác để cuốn chứ không phải bánh tráng.

Đúng là ếch ngồi đáy giếng.

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Thu Sep 01 17:38:24+0003 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Ăn

Tue Aug 16 05:50:31 PM CEST 2022

Duys dag

Duy är inte en mycket aktiv pensionär. Han är inte en pensionär faktiskt. Han jobbar mellan sju och halv fyra varje dag.

Klockan fem över sex vaknar han. Klockan fem i halv sju, stiger han upp, städar och går till kontoret direkt. Han äter inte frukost. Men han dricker två koppar kaffe.

På kontoret, läser han mejl från igår och jobbar direkt. Han skriver många mejl. Klockan fem över halv tio, har han team möte online. Klockan halv tolv promenerar han till en liten restaurang nära jobbet och äter lunch.

Efter lunchen, jobbar han förstås. Men på tisdagar har han Svensklektion med C, M och L, klockan halv två prick. L är läraren. Hon är jattebra. Klassen slutar klockan tre prick. Sedan går han till kontoret och jobbar igen.

Vid halv fyra är han mycket trött. Han tar tunnelbanan till Solna och promenerar hem. Han duschar, lagar mat, äter middag och diskar. Sedan tittar han på sin favoritfilm, eller surfar på internet. Klockan nio går han och lägger sig. Ibland läser han en bok. Boken Mistborn: The Alloy of Law är jattebra.

Klockan tio somnar han. Han gör inte hans Svenska övning. L kommer bli arg.

Cập nhật 4 lần. Lần cuối: Tue Sep 06 16:53:23+0003 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Svenska