Kho tháng 10/2023

Tue Oct 24 08:54:48 PM CEST 2023

RIP Pratal Mox

Mox came in standard mission, got caught last minute. Mox got rescued. Mox didn't have an opportunity to level up a lot, and even the next Skirmisher outranked him.

Both Skirmishers cheerfully went on a covert mission with another Specialist just to give him a few hacking points. Sadly for all three there were two Andromedons, one MEC and a bunch of Lost, not counting standard reinforcement.

Mox got hit by the first Andro, managed to outrun it. Actually Mox managed to outrun his mate the Specialist who took a shot from the same Andro too. Good Andro, it got to live.

Mox and the Skirmisher friend took down the MEC. They came near the end and faced another Andro with a bunch of Lost. With the Specialist still too far behind, and these enemies between him and the evac point, the two stood their ground and fought..

Two Skirmishers took down the second Andro. An achievement actually, even if only its first phase. Too bad Mox couldn't run very far after and the Andro corpse punched him to death. Two Andromedons are too many for anyone.

Interestingly I also had a bad experience with Andromedons on an ambush mission 5 years ago. A Sharpshooter died that day.

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