Kho tháng 6/2024

Sat Jun 29 12:28:18 PM CEST 2024

Ito Futaba

Moral of the story is don't be in a strong team. Ito would have qualified for Olympics 2024, but each contry can only have two competitors max (per gender). The first Japanese to qualify is Ai Mori who has beaten Janja a few times. So she's pretty much in a separate league (with Janja, and probably Natalia).

So Ito mostly competed with Miho Nonaka, who not only competed in the last Olympics but actually won Silver. The only one who beats Miho, according to Olympics ranking, is Janja. And Ito had to beat Miho, not even the women from other countries. It's just next to impossible.

Probably only women climbers from USA feel this kind of pressure, where Natalia and Brooke pretty much unbeatable.

PS. Poor Jain Kim.

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Thu Jun 20 04:11:54 PM CEST 2024

Short IP address

127.1 is the same as Or 1.1 is the same as (Cloudflare DNS). See inet_addr()

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