Kho tháng 9/2024

Wed Sep 25 06:23:24 AM CEST 2024

Almost perfect half day

Sunrise at 6:39 and set at 6:37.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Sun Sep 22 07:51:25 PM CEST 2024

Finally cooked rice

first time abroad, that is. Which is rather significant considering this blog was created when I was abroad the first time, maybe twenty years ago.

Cooked a bit too much for one helping. Need to adjust next time. Perhaps a good alternative for instant noodles, muesli, bread and pasta.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Ăn

Tue Sep 17 07:16:08 PM CEST 2024

I know TypeScript?

Down the rabbit hole of javascript recently. Read a bit of react too. Not really impressed. But then I didn't build anything so complicated that I would appreciate a reactive library. Gone through TypeScript tutorial too (mostly skimming over generic stuff).

It's... ok I guess? Not sure why people put it as a con "more work" when typescript is required. It would not take more than a few hours to get to know TypeScript. There's opt out with "any" type, so you aren't really forced to build up a rigt type structure like Haskell. Which is probably more practical.

Maybe I should try turning this blog into a javascript (ehem... typescript) soup. Hmm... no nice sexp anymore? Naah... May need to find a "javascript in sexp" (typescript in sexp is probably too verbose)

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh