Kho tháng 5/2018
Mon May 28 16:53:03 CEST 2018
Too much work will kill you!
Thèm Lasagna, mua một hộp chuẩn bị sẵn. Mở hộp ra, mèn, phải nấu mì rồi phải hâm súp. Too much work. Dẹp! Ăn bánh mì cho gọn.
Lười không chịu nổi.
Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Thu Sep 01 17:38:24+0003 2022
Wed May 23 20:58:05 CEST 2018
Ever since mankind first looked up at the stars, we have wondered what lies beyond. So very few have dared to look inward... The depths of the human mind hold more secrets than we can possibly imagine. How ironic that the means to defeat our enemy comes not through weapons or machines of war, but from within. And if we have succeeded... we will have gained a glimpse of what we are to become. We will have created something... extraordinary.
Vahlen oh Vahlen. An assault almost died to capture that Ethereal for her scientific "curiosity". Good thing he had Chitin Plating on the last minute. Two Muton Elites and a way-too-powerful Ethereal was almost too much. If the other assault didn't trigger Close Combat Specialist and kill both Mutons, that assault could have been dead.
Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Fri Aug 26 00:20:24+0003 2022
Fri May 18 21:22:28 CEST 2018
phdcomics turns 20...
umm.. a couple days ago? and I've been reading it... um.. for about ten years? Dang I'm old.