Kho tháng 10/2022

Tue Oct 25 07:23:37 PM CEST 2022

Will The Queen be dethroned?

Natalia Grossman shocked the world last year, beating Janja Garnbret on Boulder (first time since 2018). This year, except the first one where Janja also participated, she took all firsts.

That's quite impressive, but she was still beaten once by Janja in 2022, the only Boulder competition she participated. In Lead competition, where Janja decided to focus her whole year on, she was pretty much always at the top, not surprising. The surprise is when she didn't win. Both times, the same name beat her: Ai Mori.

Even more impressive is when both Natalia and Ai competed in Boulder and Lead combine format, Ai beat Natalia too (strong enough in Boulder and a lot better in Lead, it seems). Natalia first win against Janja may involve some luck as Janja definitely was a bit careless that last time, after winning for so long. But Ai shows both who is the boss. Well at least she proved her winning Janja was not a fluke.

Next year will be very interesting when Natalia and Ai will really challenge Janja Garnbret on both fronts, assuming she's back in Boulder, and perhaps each other too. Will 2023 still be the year of Janja? And who would become the favourite for Olympics 2024?

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Thu Oct 20 07:11:39 PM CEST 2022

I'm too old for this shit

Upgraded kernel from 5.10 to 5.15. Rebooted. Wifi didn't come up. No network! Panicked. It's probably because of the new fancy zstd module compression option, so rebuilt kmod with zstd use flag. Still didn't work!

Disabled module compression and moved on with life. Turns out, touchpad stopped working. Added the magical kernel option i8042.nopnp. No effect.

It turns out the i2c_hid module was disabled somehow with the new kernel. Enabled elan_i2c module too but it did not seem to be used. At least touchpad is back working now.

Let's see what else is broken. Oh right... laptop screen huhuhu.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Linux

Wed Oct 19 06:48:46 PM CEST 2022


私は毎日六時五分に起きます。うちで朝ご飯を食べません。六時半に仕事に行 きます。七時に働きます。いつもコーヒーを飲みます。十一時半にErissonの レストランで昼ご飯を食べます。三時半にうちへ帰ります。九時ごろにベッド で本を読みます。十時に寝ます。

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | 日本語

Thu Oct 13 06:38:22 PM CEST 2022

How to become a witch

According to Discworld, it's very simple. You need First Sight and Second Thoughts. OK it's not simple.

Second Thoughts are thoughts about (first) thoughts, so you can catch yourself before doing something stupid. Some have this. Many probably don't. Some exceptional ones even have Third Thoughts, and Forth Thoughts.

First Sight is to see what something really is, not what it looks like. It's not really that easy to see.

An example is, Death walks among us. Death goes to the bar. Death orders a beer, pays money, then goes. Nobody notices. But do they? The bartender does take the money and give the beer.

Everybody sees Death, but they don't really see Death. They have to tell themselves they're not seeing Death, because everybody knows if you see Death, you're about to die. Nobody wants to die.

Witches see Death. In fact some witch even "negotiates" with Death, to put it gently. And Death doesn't really have a good deal out of that.

Witches see the world for what it really is. Witches think twice before acting. They know how people think. They know what people really want, despite what they say. It's why they can use "Headology" to make things happen, without magic, even if witches know magic.

Witches' "magic" is subtle. In contrast, wizards ram their magic to every problem they see. They go in with a bang. They get out with an even bigger bang. Terry Pratchett seems to tell us something about men and women.

Then there is Samuel Vimes and his drinking problem. Some argues that, while most people have to learn First Sight and can choose to see it at appropriate times, Vimes is born with it, he sees it all the times. Some argues that he is essentially "too sober". People drink to go from "sober" to "drunk". Vimes drinks to go from "too sober" back to "sober" so he can see the prettier side of the world.

It goes to show how terrible it would be, when you see the real world everywhere you look, everyday. So close your eyes, laugh and walk in a trap. At least you have a laugh before you die. There is a trap for everybody at the end anyway.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Sách

Tue Oct 4 06:52:34 PM CEST 2022

Babylon 5 in a nutshell

Don't read this if you want to watch it

So... in the beginning there is race 1. Actually that's the middle but let's just roll with it.

Race 1 meets race 2. Race 2 gives race 1 interstellar travel technology. Race 1 flies! Race 1 meets a lot more races.

Race 1 meets new race 3. Race 3 turns upside down to say "I'm not attacking". Race 1 interprets it as "I'm attacking" (apparently race 1 does not study its dictionary carefully, especially around "not"). So race 1 attacks!

Race 3 fights back. Race 3 winning. Race 3 surrenders. Race 1 does not understand jack, but hey a win is a win!

Race 1 pretends to be be smart and says "let's make a place where races can come and resolve their problem diplomatically, for peace". Spoiler, there is no peace. Race 1 builds Babylon 1 to 3, all destroyed. Babylon 4 disappeared. Bad omens! But after all Babylon 5 is up and running.

All races kick and scream together on Babylon 5 for a while. Races 2 and 4, having been fighting off and on for a while, start things again because hey it's fun. Race 2 attacks. Race 4 declares war. Race 2 destroys race 4 defense and enslaves them all, ending the war. Race 2 has special support from the mighty race 666 to achieve this.

Out of nowhere, race 1 says "reassign Babylon 5 lead elsewhere". And there he goes. Babylon 5 has a new lead, let's say lead 2. Race 1, being used to fighting, and there has not been real fighting for a while, starts fighting themselves. Babylon 5 breaks away.

Race 3, knowing about the eventul grand return of race 666, has been preparing. Races 1 and 3 (mostly) start attacking 666. 666 has a big setback and pulls its secret cart. Race 666 lures lead 2 to 666 homeworld.

Oh right, meanwhile, lead 1 casually goes back in time to steal Babylon 4, then goes back even further in time to join the war between races 3, 666 and 999, where everybody is pretty much against 666. Poor 666. 666 loses and goes to sleep. Lead 1 gives a clue to the future lead 1 about all this, so future can go back in time again. Don't mess with time travel kids.

This is also how race 3 knows about 666. The reason race 3 surrenders is also because the race does not want to kill led 1, that's going to break all the timelines and probably lead to Babylon 6 TV show instead of 5.

OK back to lead 2 who goes to 666 homeland and terrorizes the place with two big pretty bombs. Lead 2 ded, naturally, and revived by race 0. The plot armor is strong with this one.

OK now is the time to talk a bit about 999. Races 999 and 666 are old and stay back to "help" younger races. 999 likes to play it by the book. 666 likes to throw the book to whoever in front of it because why not. Naturally 666 and 999 don't like each other, but avoid confrontation.

999 has always been a "nice guy". Ah... 999 snaps (good guys always do). After everything happening, 999 says "screw it", pulls out the big planet hammer, and starts to make peanuts out of planets, those that 666 touches.

After a lot more going on, and with a lot of peanuts being made, race 0 also snaps and says "enough" then takes both races 666 and 999 out of the galaxy. Lead 2 also snaps and says "I'm tired of this shit" then sets timer to 20 years and dies then.

The end.

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Phim

Sun Oct 2 05:20:01 PM CEST 2022

Listen to the wise words of ...

Lennier: I see they trained you well back home.
Marcus: Well, they said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger.
Lennier: And?
Marcus: I'm not repressed anymore.

G'Kar: I told you I could help. The Book of G'Quan. Read it. We'll talk afterwards.
Michael Garibaldi: I don't read Narn.
G'Kar: Learn!
Michael Garibaldi: He hates me. They all hate me. That's why they're doing this. To make me crazy.

Franklin: I will not support murder. We can not kill him.
Ivanova: Can we wound him? Just a little?

Ivanova: No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

Ivanova: Figures. All my life I've fought against imperialism. Now, suddenly I am the expanding Russian frontier.
Franklin: But with very nice borders.

Garibaldi: Then what kind of head of security would I be if I let people like me know things that I'm not supposed to know? I know what I know because I have to know it. And if I don't have to know it, I don't tell me, and I don't let anyone else tell me either.

Ivanova: Good luck, Captain. I think you are about to go where everyone has gone before.

Delenn: Only one human captain has ever survived battle with Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.

Cotto: Londo, they could have killed me.
Mollari: Nonsense, you're not important enough to kill.

Ivanova: Ivanova is God
Also Ivanova: God sent me.

Garibaldi: Sometimes people walk away because they want to be alone. Somtimes they walk away because they want to see if you care enough to follow them to hell.

Ivanova: Well, who wants to live forever?
Marcus: I do actually.

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Mon Oct 03 16:58:39+0003 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Phim, Trích dẫn