Kho tháng 11/2022

Thu Nov 17 09:14:10 PM CET 2022

On writing

The hard part of writing is not collecting the pieces you want to write. It's to connect them. In a good prose, not only one sentence flows naturally to the next, paragraphs as well. Like music. Good music at any rate.

On the contrary you have powerpoint slides with the hundred bullet points. All the stuff, but disconnected, sometimes not even grouped logically. Like... well still music but more like disco music. Too much beats. No rhythm.

Most can make slides. Not many can write. Actually most can but they never bother to.

Also see How to Write Well: 4 Steps to Improve Your Writing

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Sun Nov 20 20:34:36+0001 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Tue Nov 15 07:41:37 PM CET 2022

Be the best sloth you can be today!

The sloth is a magnificient creature. The best of the best. Or bestest if you will.

Why sloth? A sloth is three times as strong as a human for a start. Hanging on to a branch 24/7 definitely requires some muscles (and no human can hang around like that!). Only a small downside: a sloth can be strong but it has to draw the force slowly. It wins a arm wrestle. But it can't punch through walls.

But who wants to punch walls? Messy. Sloths are friendly to the environment. Imagine only needing 3 leaves or 300 calories a day. A human typically needs ten times that.

They don't eat much, but they are always full. Leaves are not exactly nutritional, so to make the most of it (or rather those exact three leaves), a sloth stomach is more like a cow's with multiple phases to squeeze the most of out it. As a result it could take fifty days to fully digest a leaf. There are always leaves in a sloth's belly.

Happiness is being full and getting enough sleep. And the sloth excels at the sleeping as well. Fifteen hours of sleep makes you happy all day.

The rest of the day, a well rested sloth could enjoy the scenery with some snack. It grows an ecology in its fur. Sudden craving for something spicy? Just grab your hair and lick! Or perhaps chew a few moths as well. All the vitamin supplements are right with you.

Between all the blunt senses and slow muscles, the sloth can peacefully watch the world go by. Everything is a blur, just like clouds. No sharp or loud noises, so rain drops. Quiet and calm.

But don't think it's a boring life. No boring life has a poop dance!

All the pros. None of the cons. Only one question remains: to sloth or not to sloth?


Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Wed Dec 07 20:52:17+0001 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Sun Nov 13 04:14:17 PM CET 2022

history = his story

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Thu Nov 10 05:55:18 PM CET 2022

Lower right jaw pain for a month. But now I can chew again!

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh

Wed Nov 9 06:01:32 PM CET 2022

Ah Cosmere

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Sách

Tue Nov 8 06:22:22 PM CET 2022

Lạnh (2)

Lạnh ành ành à à à. Phê tê tê tê ế ế. Giựt bựt bựt bựt tăng tăng. Một hai ba bước đều bước!

Mới có bốn độ mà đã ca cải lương. Tới âm mười chắc hát bài ca của Banshee quá. Há há há. Hát xong cắn một phát cho đúng điệu.

Chẹp chẹp. Tiếng Việt lâu quá không xài lục hết trơn. Không biết phải viết cắn hay cắng, bước hay bướt. Xừ. Cắn! Grừ. Hú hú.

Nov 21. Orange alarm. Car crash. Car burning. Fallen trees. 10+ cm of snow. Not a good start for winter.

Dec 11. Há há hơn mười năm trước cũng Lạnh

Cập nhật 3 lần. Lần cuối: Sun Dec 11 08:37:36+0001 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Hâm

Mon Nov 7 08:42:11 PM CET 2022

Vad ska jag göra nästa veckan

På måndag ska jag inte jobba. Jag ska sova mycket och kanske spela dataspel. Jag ska plugga Japanska och göra Svenska läxor också. Jag ska gå och handla på närbutiken.

På tisdag ska jag jobba klockan sju. Klockan halv två gå jag på DEKs kontor och studera Svenska med B och L. Klockan tre sluta lektionen. Sedan ska jag jobba igen för halvtimme och gå hem.

På onsdag till fredag ska jag jobba klockan sju till klockan halv fyra. På fredag ska jag handla för nästa veckan.

På lördag ska jag göra ingenting. På söndag ska jag tvätta.

Cập nhật 1 lần. Lần cuối: Tue Nov 08 17:32:23+0001 2022

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Svenska