Kho tháng 4/2023

Thu Apr 27 06:26:24 PM CEST 2023

Long day

Timing was really messed up somehow. Woke up at 5, went to work at 6 thinking it was 7 until a short walk from office. What clock did I check? Or did I check at all? Either go back home or start working. And there's a late meeting so the work day ended up 10 instead of the usual 8.

Capri was on fire. Delayed several times. So some team was always under fire. This time, mine. Bugs to find. Deadline to meet. Demands from everybody. Meeting after meeting. On top of that I was juggling multiple other things at the same time. What was I thinking.

Out of alcohol, which is a serious problem! After a few months of Brandy, Scotch was a delight. Somehow just tasted more colorful. Perhaps everything first time is always better than reality.

Out of music too. Last listened was March 30 according to Melted in the music. Probably just another example of everything first time is better. Probably should rewrite some lyrics. Hello Air Supply.

Drinks and music. Bad combination again. More work tomorrow. Longer day?

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh