Kho tháng 5/2023

Sat May 20 05:36:05 PM CEST 2023

Portage goes python 3.11

Not sure what I was thinking but I did emerge --sync yesterday, found out that Portage was going to python 3.11 soon, so I attempted to upgrade.

Bad move since the system was still using python 3.9. And apparently because I haven't updated the system for so long 3.9 was completely dropped, no upgradable path possible.

So I went ahead anyway because why not. Installed 3.11 with no deps, successful. Updated python-exec, python immediately broke because python-exec no longer recognized 3.9. Forcing it to 3.11 wouldn't help because emerge had to be installed for 3.11, but it was only installed for 3.9. Without emerge, everything is dead.

So, I had to extract portage from some recent stage3 tarball. Found out portage now depends on which requires a newer version. Extracted again. Luckily it needed no more.

After that, I re-emerged portage again just to be sure things are recompiled and working. Since a bunch of packages were "installed" but only for 3.9, a bunch of weird errors appeared that required reinstalling those so that they supported 3.11.

As a final surpris for not updating for so long. Video playback stopped working. It bufferred for a bit then stopped. Finally figured out it was pipewire. And this is because pipewire is not supposed to be started directly anymore. I need to run gentoo-pipewire-launcher instead. There's also some changes in also that -D pulse in amixer is no longer necessary. Fonts were looking a bit weird too, not sure what happened...

That's it. Let's not upgrade again for 2 years and see what hell awaits. Keep this link for the future

Tác giả: pclouds | Liên kết tĩnh | Linux